Monday, August 16, 2010 presents...

Gratuitous photo of BRMC drummer Leah Shapiro, who is a babe.

Well, the fun just keeps rolling on on the Wednesday Range. The prospect of the next interview reduced Richard and Mateo to giggling school-children levels of excitement – Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, the meanest-looking indie rock band in the whole wide world. There was so much to discuss (say, the band’s internal troubles, progression of their sound, new drummer Leah Shapiro, their strong visual aesthetic… we can keep on going!) that we’re doing something we’ve done before, splitting it up into two weeks’ worth of interview.

Relaxing in their spare time.
Listen below to part 1. We’ll bring you part 2 (and maybe Sam!) on the 11th, but in the meantime, enjoy Richard and Mateo’s interview with Leah and Robert (which, for those of you interested in banal trivia, took place in the bar of the Crowne Plaza hotel, on Hindmarsh Square):

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club interview (part 1) – MP3, 3.51MB

Last week, the Wednesday Range brought you part 1 of Richard and Mateo’s titanic, gargantuan, colossal interview with Black Rebel Motorcycle Club. In fact, the interview proved too much of the above, so they’ve decided to air the second part this week.

Not sure if want.
Listen below as drummer Leah Shapiro and bassist Robert Been aka Robert Turner are asked about Twilight, the pressure that was really on incoming drummer Shapiro, and, to begin, why ‘rock & roll is being pushed out of the game’. Come for the cool interview, stay for Richard making a fool of himself at the end. Listen to part 1 here.

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club interview (part 2) - MP3, 1.79MB