Thursday, September 30, 2010

Killing The Light

"I don't know exactly what makes a band or an artist becomes an object of "cult", so I don't know if Black Rebel Motorcycle Club fits into this category. What I do know is that there are many other things - musical events, plays, films, works of art - that have no place within the mainstream niche, we didn't find an identity in the preponderant culture, and therefore, we're looking for different spaces where transmit our messages, wich are not heard or understood by those involved in commercial culture.

All these acts and independent media, like BRMC and Abstract Dragon (BRMC's label), even when they are not necessarily linked as part of a definite movement, are united by a common goal: to express what those who don't have no place in the hegemonic culture, want to express.

After all, not knowing whether or not we're a group or act or product or means of "cult", we're the voice of independence, marginality and rebellion, and that's more valuable and necessary in this world than many may believe."

This is an editorial written by Peter Hayes for "WARP Magazine", Mexico, June 20