Barrowland Glasgow show review...
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club – review
Barrowland, Glasgow
For a trio, they make a hell of a racket, and there's something almost purifying about the newfound volume and intensity of Conscience Killer and the ZZ Top-esque Berlin. "We spent two years making this record, thanks for being there for us," says guitarist Peter Hayes, introducing Returning, which swaps out some of their raw, rumbling firepower for a more plaintive swirl.
After a brief acoustic interlude of Hayes on piano, guitar and mouth organ, the band threaten to linger in the land of swampy dirge overkill for just a little too long. But after the skull-rattling double-tap of Six Barrel Shotgun and a walloping Spread Your Love, Been reels off a list of behind-the-scenes thank-yous and, clearly moved by the crowd's reaction, ends with Lose Yourself, a stately, oblique eight-minute elegy. It's a word often misapplied in music criticism, but the result is pretty cathartic.